
TechNovum-GOTM Virtual Support now available for the current or potential UTHSA Innovator    What is TechNovum-GOTM?   TechNovum-GOTM (T-GO) is a series of OTC-hosted virtual support modules to provide new or experienced UTHSA Innovators with new ideas, the freedom to work at their own pace, to investigate and develop the best path to market for their ideas. Who should consider TechNovum-GOTM as a supplement to their invention or innovation in development?…

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News 4: UT Health San Antonio doctor creates flexible covering to protect health care workers

A physician at UT Health San Antonio has created a device aimed at protecting health care workers who treat COVID-19 patients. Dr. Steven Venticinque, Anesthesiology, created the ‘stat enclosure,’ a clear tent-like covering that can be placed over a patient’s head while health care workers provide treatment. News4SA By Emily Olson June 30, 2020

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